kilimanjaro climbing crew

Kilimanjaro Climbing Crew

Kilimanjaro Climbing Crew

The Adventure of climbing the Kilimanjaro Mountain, has to be accompanied by the Kilimanjaro climbing crew, porters, chef and guides, this is the mandate from the government that a climber must climb through the registered and licensed Kilimanjaro Mountain Climbing Agency that is why we are here for you. Our Local Kilimanjaro climbing guide is there for leading, instructing, helping and rescue in case of any emergencies, hence a guide must be certified professional, experiences and smart which is the best qualities for our Mountain Guides.  Professional among our Kilimanjaro Mountain guide is based on the skills and knowledge of rescue, first aid, language skills, and ecological skills to help you will a good explanation on your climb. On the other hand, Porters are divided into the ones who carry all the luggage, waiter/waitresses and chef for preparing meals. With all the crew you will be walking from the starts to the finish with the guide only as the porters have to be fast than the rest.

Number of the Kilimanjaro Climbing crew

According to the Kilimanjaro National Park Authority, each climber should have a crew of 5 people for a single climber who are, 1 Mountain Guide, A Mountain chef, and 3 Porters. This is to all Kilimanjaro Climbing Routes and with the Group climb depending on the Number of the Climbers you will be notified the number of the crew that will be with you, however in each group there must be a Chief and assistant guide, and the other remained guide will all follow the instructions from the Chief guide.

Why Booking Tours with Us?

  • Full-time Support
  • We are Experts
  • Personalized Affordable Service
  • Flexible Itineraries
  • Safety Standards

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Qualities for our Local Private Kilimanjaro Guides

Knowledge: Our Kilimanjaro Mountain guides possess the vast general Knowledge about the Kilimanjaro Mountain with all of its facts which enable them to explain on the altitudes, distance, ecology, plants and animals, climate zones, slopes and steepness and some other funny and encouraging stories.

Mountain Climbing Experience: Being Certified our guides has the years of climbing the Kilimanjaro with some being certified and started and the porters, summit porters then guides, which make them to have many time climbing and experiencing the Kilimanjaro with the altitude adaptation where they will be able to give a proper instruction on how to respond to it, it is highly recommended to listen to a guide whether you are a professional climb or not always listen to your mountain guide, because he will understand you and make you climb accordingly.

Professional: Being certified from college, does not real make someone act professional, thus why we take time to time training for our guide to ensure them act accordingly and more professional that will make them meet the climber’s goals and expectations.

Safety qualifications: Climber’s safety maters as taking you to the adventure of the Kilimanjaro your safety is on us hence because the guide will be the one to do that, we make sure that they act proper on critical evacuation and decision. All of them have the first aid rescue training in related to the problem that might happen to the client on the climb such as the common one of altitude illness (Mountain Sickness) as they can recognize, treat and prevent it from happening. Moreover, there are hazardous situation such as that of slippery trail and loose rocks as they are to prevent it from happening to the climber, “Always Listen to your Mountain Guide”.

Our responsibilities on the Kilimanjaro Climbing Crew (Both guides and Porters)

  • Payment time and wages amount: The Crew has to be paid upon last descending day (prior after the climb) and the wages are paid according to the park authority set for a guide, porters, and chef.
  • Porter’s weight to carry: To ensure a porter carry the maximum of 20kg of the loads, this is according to the park authority, and when the luggage exceeds there will be a need for an extra porter or reduce the luggage.
  • Crew climbing gears: It is our responsibility that the crews have proper gears to handle Mountain climb.
  • Tips and gratitude: Tips are to paid in a fair and transparent manner according to what the guest has offered to them, the guest can choose the best way doing it with the operation manager advisor.

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